ENLARGE A Signage ENLARGE Bharatpur - 1 ENLARGE Bharatpur - 2 ENLARGE Caring ENLARGE Dominance ENLARGE Enemy Mirrors ENLARGE Extreme Caution ENLARGE Final Prayers ENLARGE Human Conflict ENLARGE Ignored - Birds have same challenges ENLARGE Killer Machines ENLARGE Last Few Happy Days ENLARGE Leader ENLARGE Mob Attack ENLARGE Mother and Baby ENLARGE No Photos Pllease ENLARGE Routine ENLARGE Savor the Flavor ENLARGE Self Defence ENLARGE Selfie Culture ENLARGE Shared Habitat ENLARGE Struggle of a Vulnerable Bird ENLARGE The Drama ENLARGE The Urban Victims ENLARGE Unacceptance ENLARGE Urbanization ENLARGE USE ME - As a food source - Rufous Treepie ENLARGE Wheels of Death